Appointments & Referrals

(310) 825-0867

Website: General Pediatrics

Contacting your pediatrician:
Call the page operator at (310) 825-6301
Ask to page your doctor (weekdays) or the General Pediatrics faculty doctor on call (evenings, weekends & holidays).

Clinic Locations

Santa Monica

Pediatric Specialists/Adolescent Clinic
(scheduled and same day)
1260 15th Street
Suite 1002 & 1024
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Appointments: (424) 259-8570

Pediatric Dermatology
1260 15th Street
Suite 1002
Santa Monica, CA 90404


General Pediatrics
(scheduled and same day)
200 UCLA Medical Plaza
Suite 265
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Map and directions
Phone line hours: 7 am to 7 pm, Monday to Friday

Adolescent Clinic
200 UCLA Medical Plaza
Suite 265
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Pediatric Resident Continuity Clinic
(scheduled and same day)
200 UCLA Medical Plaza
Suite 265
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Pediatric Dermatology
200 UCLA Medical Plaza
Suite 265
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
300 UCLA Medical Plaza
Suite 3300
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Other Communities

UCLA Health Torrance - Pediatrics
(scheduled and same-day) 
 4201 Torrance Blvd., Suite 660
Torrance, CA 90503

UCLA Health Porter Ranch - Pediatrics
(scheduled and same-day)
19950 Rinaldi Street, Suite 300
Porter Ranch, CA 91326