How to Update Your Member Profile
Below are instructions for updating Member Profiles on our website. The Member Directory can be found here:
- How can I update my member profile page?
- How do I find my profile page?
- What if I'm a UCLA Health Provider as well as a Cancer Center member?
- Which fields can I update?
- Where does the other information come from?
- Who can I contact if I need help?
- Who manages the UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center website?
How can I update my member profile web page?
Members can request updates to their member data and profile page at any time. Please submit requests to Sarah Anwar, Research Administrative Specialist, via email.
How do I find my profile page?
To find your member profile page, go to the Member Directory search feature to look up your profile:
In addition, all members have a FRIENDLY URL, which allows you to quickly locate your web page. The FRIENDLY URL is comprised of your "first name" "-" "last name" placed after "" For example, Dr. Michael Teitell's member profile page is Note that the default URL uses your submitted first and last name.
What if I'm a UCLA Health Provider as well as a Cancer Center member?
UCLA Health maintains a Provider Directory with provider profiles that are separate from member profiles. If you are a member and also a provider, you will have two distinct, separately maintained profiles. Though the two profiles share several common data points, our profiles include additional research-related information not applicable to providers. (Learn how provider profiles are managed and updated here via UCLA Health Marketing's mednet website.)
Although member and provider profiles remain distinct, we do utilize provider data on our member profiles under certain circumstances. In instances where you did not provide specific data to us on your original member application or have not yet requested the information to be added to your member profile, and should those data fields overlap with your provider profile, we will pull the provider data to display on your member profile.
The shared member/provider data fields are: Photo, Personal Pronouns, Languages and Education (Fellowship, Degree, Medical Degree, Internship, Residency, Board Certification). How data is shared between profiles is outlined in the Which Fields Can I Update? section directly below.
Which fields can I update?
Although a few data fields are auto populated (such as your Research Program affiliation), most fields can be updated. How to update each data field is outlined below.
a) Photo
Please submit a high resolution portrait photo as a .jpg or .png file, and format the image file name as: LastName-FirstName.jpg (eg. Smith-John.jpg). Business attire is encouraged.
Please consider signing up for a professional photoshoot hosted by the UCLA Health Marketing team, a service which is extended to Cancer Center members. Once approved, your professional headshot will be automatically added to your Cancer Center member profile by our web team.
If you are also a provider: You are allowed to have distinct headshots for your member profile page and provider profile page (for example, you'd like to wear professional attire in your member photo but a lab coat in your provider photo). If you do not supply us with a unique headshot for your member profile page, we will automatically pull in your provider headshot. If neither a member or provider headshot is available, a gender-neutral placeholder graphic will be substituted.
b) Preferred name and credentials
You can update your preferred name (first and middle name/initial) and credentials to display at the top of your member profile page.
c) Personal Pronouns
Please consider including your preferred personal pronouns.
If you are also a provider: If you do not provide any personal pronouns for your member profile but your provider profile includes them, we will display those pronouns on your member profile.
d) Faculty appointments and affiliations
Please keep us updated on your faculty appointments and affiliations, which are displayed in the top section of your member profile. Appointments and affiliations are only updated by member request.
e) Languages
Online member profiles will list “English” as your default language, but you can easily update your record to include additional languages that you normally use in a professional setting. They are displayed in the top section of your member profile page.
If you are also a provider: If you do not provide any languages for your member profile but your provider profile includes additional languages, we will display those languages on your member profile.
f) Clinical specialty
You may include your clinical specialties, if any, that you would like to be displayed on your member profile page.
g) Institutional affiliations
Please provide any research, clinical and/or other notable relevant affiliations to be displayed on your member profile page.
h) Education
Please provide any updates or corrections to your degrees and certifications.
Provide in the following format: degree earned (when applicable), area of focus, institution, year.
Degrees and certifications that are displayed on your member profile page:
- Fellowship(s)
- Internship(s)
- Medical degree(s)
- Degree(s)
- Residency
- Board Certification(s)
If you are also a provider: If you do not provide information for the above Education data fields on your member profile but your provider profile includes them, we will include those data fields on your member profile. (Ex. You do not provide your Board Certifications for your member profile but list them on your provider profile, then we will display them on your member profile.)
i) Contact email
Please provide your relevant professional contact emails. These will be displayed in the Contact Information section of your member profile page. As your profile is displayed for the public and available to search engines, do not provide personal emails or addresses through which you do not wish to be contacted.
j) Contact phone
Please provide your relevant professional contact phone numbers to be displayed in the Contact Information section of your member profile page. As your profile is displayed for the public and available to search engines, do not provide personal or other phone numbers at which you do not wish to be contacted.
k) Links
Please only include links to UCLA websites that are research- or cancer-relevant. (No personal websites.)
l) Clinical interests
Please keep us updated on your current clinical interests, if applicable, you would like displayed on your member profile page.
m) Scientific interests
We encourage you to include a detailed description of your scientific and research interests, relevant lab focus, and recent notable cancer-related activities. Paragraph format is preferred, but a bulleted list is acceptable. Always refer to yourself as First name Last name on the first reference; subsequent references should be Last name.
n) Highlighted publications
You are required to provide five (5) highlighted publications. If you do not provide us with your highlighted pubs, we will include your five most recent publications.
Where does the other information come from?
Research Program affiliation
Your current Cancer Center Research Program affiliation(s) are displayed at the top of your member profile page. Your affiliation status is internally managed and any updates will be automatically reflected on your member profile.
In the news
This field is automatically populated with links to Cancer Center and UCLA Health media stories that you are featured in. You do not need to submit links to us.
Provider profile button
If you are also a provider and have a currently active provider profile page, a button linking to your provider profile will be automatically displayed at the top of your member profile page.
Who can I contact if I need help?
To request updates to your member data, please contact Sarah Anwar, Research Administrative Specialist, via email. For technical assistance or questions about the website, please contact Peter Bracke, Web Strategist & Administrator, via email.
Who manages the UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center website?
The consumer website is managed by the UCLA Health Marketing Department in collaboration with the UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center. For technical assistance or questions, please contact Peter Bracke, Web Strategist & Administrator, via email.