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Research participation empowers our GI dietitians to deliver evidence-based, patient-centered care, contribute to scientific knowledge, and continuously improve our practice for the benefit of our patients and the broader healthcare community. We invite you to learn more on the research we have co-authored.
Recent publications
(Includes last five years)
- Samaan JS, Issokson K, Feldman E, Fasulo C, Rajeev N, Ng WH, Hollander B, Y YH, Vasiliauskas E. Examining accuracy and reproducibility of responses to nutrition questions related to inflammatory bowel disease by generative pre-trained transformer-4 (GPT-4). Crohn's & Colitis 360. 19 February 2025
- Scarlata K, Zickgraf HF, Satherley RM, Shapiro JM, Adams DW, Smith J, Collins S, Taft T. 2024. A call to action: Unraveling the nuance of adapted eating behaviors in individuals with GI conditions. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 15 December 2024
- Mintz KM, Donnelly ME, Lynett A, Chey WD. Incorporating a GI dietitian into your practice. Gastroenterology. 29 November 2024
- Rau S, Gregg A, Yaceczko S, Limketkai BN. Prebiotics and Probiotics for Gastrointestinal Disorders. Nutrients. March 2024
- Yaceczko S, Baltz J. Evaluation of nutrition components within prehabilitation programs in gastrointestinal cancers: Is prehab worth the hype? Nutr Clin Pract. 2024 Feb
- Limketkai BN, Rau S, Fasulo C. Preventative and therapeutic potential of nutrition for inflammatory bowel diseases: A narrative review. ASPEN. 15 February 2024
- Poblete RA, Pena JE, Kuo G, Tarzi F, Nguyen PL, Cen SY, Yaceczko S, Louie SG, Lewis MR, Martin M, Amar AP, Sanossian N, Sung G, Lyden PD. Immunonutrition with Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation in severe TBI: Retrospective analysis of patient characteristics and outcomes. Res Sq (Preprint). 2023 Nov 7
- Yaceczko S. Micronutrients to Consider in Adult Parenteral Nutrition Therapy: A Review on Thiamine and Copper. Support Line.Oct 2023
- Poblete RA, Yaceczko S, Aliakbar R, Saini P, Hazany S, Breit H, Louie SG, Lyden PD, Partikian A. Optimization of nutrition after brain injury: Mechanistic and therapeutic considerations. Biomedicines. 2023 Sept 17
- Fansiwala K, Shah ND, McNulty KA, Kwaan MR, Limketkai BN. Use of oral diet and nutrition support in management of stricturing and fistulizing Crohn's disease. ASPEN. 04 September 2023
- Evans KM, Averill MM, Harris CL. Disordered eating and eating competence in members of online irritable bowel syndrome support groups. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2023 Aug
- Chen E, Mahurkar-Joshi S, Liu C, Jaffe N, Labus J, Dong T, Gupta A, Patel S, Mayer EA, Chang L. The association between a Mediterranean diet and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2023 July 29
- Cuff C, Lin LD, Mahurkar-Joshi S, Jacobs JP, Lagishetty V, Jaffe N, Smith J, Dong T, Sohn J, Chang L. Randomized controlled pilot study assessing fructose tolerance during fructose reintroduction in non-constipated irritable bowel syndrome patients successfully treated with a low FODMAP diet. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2023 July
- Noorian S, Kwaan MR, Jaffe N, Yaceczko SD, Chau LW. Perioperative nutrition for gastrointestinal surgery: On the cutting edge. Nutr Clin Pract. 2023 June
- Dua A, Corson M, Sauk JS, Jaffe N, Limketkai BN. Impact of malnutrition and nutrition support in hospitalised patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2023 April
- Limketkai BN, Hamideh M, Shah R, Sauk JS, Jaffe N. Dietary patterns and their association with symptoms activity in inflammatory bowel diseases. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2022 Nov 2
- Choo C, Mahurkar-Joshi S, Dong TS, Lenhart A, Lagishetty V, Jacobs JP, Labus JS, Jaffe N, Mayer EA, Chang L. Colonic mucosal microbiota is associated with bowel habit subtype and abdominal pain in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2022 Aug 1
- Yelencich E, Truong E, Widaman AM, Pignotti G, Yang L, Jeon Y, Weber AT, Shah R, Smith J, Sauk JS, Limketkai BN. Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder prevalent among patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022 June
- Thompson T, Lyons TB, Keller A, Jaffe N, Emerson-Mason L. Gluten-free foods cooked in shared fryers with wheat: A pilot study assessing gluten cross contact. Front Nutri. 2021 Mar 23
- Limketkai BN, Mauldin, Manitius N, Jalilian L, Salonen BR. The age of artificial intelligence: Use of digital technology in clinical nutrition. Curr Surg Rep. 2021