Get Involved
How You Can Help
Spread Awareness
There are so many ways to spread awareness. The simplest way is to spread the word around and wear your Green Ribbon!
Over 31 million people are currently diagnosed with kidney disease and 26 million are at risk! As one’s kidney function declines, it affects a person’s overall quality of life and survival. Decreasing kidney function can lead to complications such as hypertension (high blood pressure), anemia, weak bones, swelling in the arms and legs, a weak immune system, poor nutritional health, and cardiovascular disease. These complications are often irreversible and progress to the need for dialysis and transportation. In severe cases, this may even lead to death with significant morbidity and financial cost. However, through education and the spread of awareness for this deadly disease, we can fight Kidney Disease!
Our program is assisted by donations from people like you! You can help our cause by making a tax-deductible donation online. If you would like to mail a check please follow the below instructions:
Mail a check via USPS
The UCLA Foundation - #90921Q
PO Box 7145, Pasadena, CA 91109-9903
(make sure to add #90921Q to the check as that will ensure the gift is credited to the CORE program)
Or feel free to read through this pdf:
You can also use this QR code to make a donation:

Wire Transfer Instructions: Please click here
Your unrestricted donation is tax-deductible. UCLA Foundation is a public, non-profit educational institution exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. The tax-payer ID: 95-2250801.
Volunteer your time
We are always looking for great people to volunteer in our UCLA Clinical Research Office. Please keep in mind that as a volunteer in our office, you will have contact with patients, patient information, or patient-identifiable data. You can apply as a Non-Student Volunteer or Student Volunteer using the following link:
To start, you will need to have a Referral Form for a pre-arranged location (see below for further instructions). After submitting the application, UCLA Volunteer Services will send you an "On-Boarding Session" link to schedule an appointment for a livescan. Please schedule this appointment even though you do not have all of your paperwork/vaccinations ready because the livescan will take a few weeks and this will give you some time to complete your paperwork/vaccinations. Once you have completed the paperwork/vaccinations, you can return them to Volunteer Services to turn them in.
Referral Form and training instructions:
- Please send an email and attach your resume to [email protected] to obtain a meeting and a referral form. During this meeting, we will also provide details of some basic training.
Once cleared by UCLA Volunteer Services, you will receive a Volunteer Assignment Referral Slip that you will need to have signed and returned to UCLA Volunteer Services. You will then be able to obtain a photo identification badge from Health System Security (CHS Room B8-155). This badge should be worn at all times when you are in any UCLA building.
We appreciate your interest and look forward to meeting you soon!
Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.
Become a living organ donor
Facts about organ donation
- According to the USRDS Annual Data Report of 2016, less than 18,000 kidney transplants were performed in 2014. UCLA performed 142 living donor transplants in 2016. The active waiting list is 2.8 times larger than the supply of donor kidneys, which presents a continuing challenge.
- According to more than 120,000 people in the United States are on the national transplant waiting list for a life-saving organ transplant. Over 22,000 are California residents.
- UCLA has performed 215 deceased donor kidney transplants.
- 95% of U.S. Adults support organ donation, but only 54% are actually signed up as donors.
- Every 10 minutes, another person is added to the waiting list.
- 20 people die each day waiting for a transplant
Many myths exist around organ donation: A lot of people think they can't donate because they are already diagnosed with a disease- this is not true! Anybody can donate.
Read more of the myths:
1 person can:
- Restore health and heal the lives of up to 75 people
- Save up to 8 lives with organ donation
- Restore the sight of up to 2 people
If you are interested in becoming an organ donor, please fill out the online health history by visiting or calling 1(866) 672-5333 to initiate the transplant evaluation process.