About Us
About Operation Mend
Operation Mend was established in 2007 as a partnership between UCLA Health and the United States military. We provide advanced surgical and medical treatment, comprehensive psychological evaluation and support, and Intensive Treatment Programs for symptoms related to Post-Traumatic Stress and Traumatic Brain Injury for post-9/11 service members, veterans, and their caregivers. The program is available at absolutely no cost to the veterans or service members, and is available to eligible warriors injured in the line of duty. UCLA Health Operation Mend is a member of the Warrior Care Network.
For Operation Mend's complete history, visit our history page.
Meet Our Executive Director

"Your search for help is over."
We exist to improve your life and your quality of life – and that includes your family. Physical and psychological injuries can be debilitating and seem hopeless. With your help, we will turn that on its head. You won’t receive care; you are an active member of the process – along with your caregiver. We help families transform the way they communicate; we help warriors understand their symptoms and we develop a game plan for you to thrive.
I invite you to take that first step. I know it is the hardest, but it will be the first step to feeling better.
Jo Sornborger, PsyD
Executive Director
UCLA Health Operation Mend